Monday, October 8, 2012

Rethink Breast Cancer

  How much do we really know about breast cancer?  Before researching for this post I didn't know much.  We mentioned last week that pink products (in support of breast cancer research and awareness) have virtually taken over the month of October.  However, unless we take it upon ourselves to self-educate, this month will do little for helping to raise awareness.  While this blog will not fully inform you concerning breast cancer awareness, this can be one piece of the puzzle.
  While researching for pink products, we ran across this website that is apart of breast cancer awareness in Canada.  This campaign has the right idea, educating without over burdening the reader.
  Rethink Breast Cancer is a campaign about rethinking everything: rethinking the way breast cancer is seen, rethinking the way the under-40 crowd is informed, rethinking the pink ribbon, rethinking how to support those who have breast cancer, and even rethinking the general attitude towards cancer. The whole campaign is exciting and full of life in a way not seen in their American counterparts.  Rethink Breast Cancer even has an app for your phone that will help you stay on top of your (breast) health.  But don't take our word for it, watch the video below.
  Canada should be incredibly proud of Rethink Breast Cancer.  This campaign is amazing.  The target audience for this campaign is the younger crowd, educating us so everyone can be aware and prepared.  Rethink Breast Cancer is right on target for what they are trying to accomplish.  Are you more willing to pay attention to the facts than before?

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