Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Reader Recipe Contest!

  Click Magazine wants to hear from and feature you.  On Facebook this morning we announced a new contest for reader recipes.  We have been blessed so far to always have a contributing audience.  Previously, you have sent in reader recipes for us to choose from, but now we are taking a different approach.  While you are still contributing we are running a contest each month for the best recipes in a certain category.  One recipe will be featured in the magazine and four to five recipes will be spotlighted here, on the blog.
  We have the blog ready to feature a weekly reader recipe.  October is "pumpkin month" in honor of Halloween and general decor.  While the recipes we've posted so far have been from various sources, we already are featuring some from our readers.  Ideally, we will test the recipes ourselves, so we won't be suggesting something we haven't already tried.
  November's recipe theme is pecans anything and everything pecans.  Basically, if you use pecans as an ingredient, your recipe is fair game.  The blog featured Maple Pecan Scones last Sunday, so keep that in mind as you start sending in recipes.  We honestly can't wait to hear from you.  Please send all the recipes to  The deadline for November submissions is October 31, but start sending in your delicious recipes now.
  We hope you like this new way of doing things, and if you do, show it by sending recipes and telling all your friends.  If your recipe doesn't get featured this month, don't worry we start the December contest as soon as the November one ends.  While we aren't at liberty to fully disclose the theme, let's just say here at the office in December we're going to be eating a good number of sweets.
  Here's to a very pecan-filled Thanksgiving and November.

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