Monday, December 17, 2012

Christmas Songs

  When Christmas music is mentioned, the vocals of Nat King Cole, Bing Crosby, Frank Sinatra, Elvis Presley and Ella Fitzgerald might pop into your head--or Christmas hymns sung by carolers, not always in tune.  For the past few years, Christmas music can be found on the radio soon after Halloween.  Stores play Christmas songs in hopes of getting you in the mood to buy presents for family and friends. By the time Christmas actually gets here, it seems a rare thing to not be sick of Christmas music.
  In the December issue on page 86, we give you tips on how to find songs that aren't overplayed in the stores and on the radio.  Check the article for tips and tricks to find songs on your own.  We've curated a short playlist of original songs that got us in the Christmas spirit.  We hope you enjoy this playlist as much as we do.

Listen here or on Spotify.

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