Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Toasted Pecans

  We've saved the simplest form of pecans for last.  The only thing you do to these babies is toast them in the oven.  While we had these at our Thanksgiving dinner, they are a perfect tasty snack throughout the holidays.  Think "chestnuts roasting on an open fire" except that they're pecans toasting in the oven.  Okay, so that analogy didn't quite work, but you get the point.  It makes your house smell cozy, inviting and as delicious as the pecans actually taste.
Toasted Pecans
provided by Sandy Cox
YEILDS: 4 cups

4 cups pecan halves
6 Tbsp. margarine or butter
3 tsp. salt

Melt margarine and pour over pecans.  Sprinkle with salt, stir well.  Put pecans in shallow baking pan.  Put pan in preheated oven at 350°, then turn oven off.  Let pecans stay in oven until cooled.  Will not burn!

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