Thursday, November 15, 2012

Windy City Lemonade

  There's not much to say about this drink, except it is super delicious.  When a recipe calls for parts, it doesn't matter how much you put in except they should be equal.   Which means that you could measure using a shot glass or just half of that shot glass.  That is if you're making it at home.  If you don't want to go to through the trouble of making this drink at home, Windy City Grille on the Hernando Square would love to make it for you.
Windy City Lemonade
provided by Windy City Grille

Belvedre Vodka or Jack Daniels
Sour Mix
Triple Sec

Mix 1 1/2 parts Belvedre Vodka or Jack Daniels with 1/2 part Triple Sec.  Fill cup with Sour Mix and top off with a splash of Sprite.

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