Thursday, November 1, 2012

Brandy Old Fashioned

  This Thirsty Thursday recipe comes to us from a reader.  This timeless classic hasn't been made popular like the Martini ("shaken, not stirred"), but it has stuck around for quite some time.  While it might not be the trendiest drink around, the Brandy Old Fashioned could easily because your drink of choice.  

Brandy Old Fashioned
provided by John Rawlsky

1 tsp. granulated sugar
2 dashes bitters
1 1/2 ounces brandy
Orange slice
Maraschino cherry

Spoon sugar into one 6 ounce cocktail glass.   Add bitters.  Dissolve quickly with a splash of 7-Up, then add brandy, followed by ice cubes.  Top off with 7-Up and garnish with an orange slice and maraschino cherry on a tooth pick.  (Good bartenders skewer the orange slice from bottom to top with the cherry in the middle, which they call a "flag.")  Enjoy.

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